Some people look as much as five years younger, while others are estimated to be older than they actually are. That might be partly due to your diet! If you want to slow down the aging process, it’s best to avoid these foods.


Candy is usually full of sugar, which can lead to breakdown of collagen resulting in reduced skin elasticity over time. The result? More fine lines and wrinkles. Consuming (lots of) sweets can also contribute to dehydration and disrupt insulin levels – which can clog pores. In addition, sugar is an enabler of inflammation, which can worsen skin conditions such as acne and psoriasis.


Breakfast cereal

Do you have a nice bowl of milk or yogurt with cereal every morning? Maybe it’s time to check the nutrition label. In fact, many breakfast cereals contain as much sugar as, say, a doughnut. Although some varieties naturally contain considerably less sugar than others, the majority contain a lot of sugar. Again, this can lead to inflammation and collagen breakdown.


Alcoholic beverages contribute to skin aging in several ways. They cause inflammation, are dehydrating, can affect your liver and hormone balance, all of which can cause skin problems. In addition, alcohol causes your blood vessels to dilate, leading to redness in the skin.

Soft drink

So instead of a glass of wine, why not a glass of Coke? No, unfortunately not. After all, soft drinks are also full of sugar – and as we know by now, sugar breaks down collagen and causes inflammation in the body. This often manifests itself in the form of fine lines and pimples.


Many people cannot function in the morning without their beloved cup of coffee – guilty! But it is important to know that overconsumption of caffeine in any form (that includes energy drinks) causes dehydration, dilates blood vessels and can increase cortisol levels, which contributes to inflammation in the body.


Like all processed meats, bacon is high in saturated fat, an ingredient that contributes to inflammation. In addition, this cut of pork contains nitrates that can contribute to oxidative stress in the body, which exacerbates signs of aging. In addition, the high sodium content contributes to dehydration and dry skin texture.