“But it doesn’t feel like a workout,” says Tara Verschoor (38, handicap 28), who witnesses daily all the good and healthy things golf brings. As founder and personal trainer of The Healthy Club, she helps golfers get more out of themselves. ‘Because of nature and the social aspect, you don’t realize you’re doing so well.’


What’s so healthy about golf?

Tara: ‘Many studies have been done and it has been proven that golf is very good for your physical, mental and social health. First of all, you play outside in beautiful nature, and that reduces the risk of chronic diseases, heart attacks, diabetes, dementia and breast and colon cancer. In addition, it reduces the stress that might race through your body, as well as the risk of anxiety and depression. The social aspect of golf is very important: for people to get among people and combat social isolation. And – this applies to everyone – golf is a great way to increase your social network. Not only on the course or driving range, but also over drinks afterwards. I see more and more young women on golf courses in the Netherlands: groups of girlfriends spending a few sporty and sociable hours together.’

Is golf also good for the slim line?

‘Definitely. On the driving range you burn about 135 to 180 calories per hour. When playing 9 holes, you walk about 3 to 6 kilometers and burn 700 to 1,000 calories. At 18 holes, you walk 6 to 8 kilometers and burn 1,400 to 2,000 calories. You also train different muscle groups. And the nice thing is, because of the beautiful nature around you and the social aspect of golf, you don’t even realize you’re doing so well. That’s a big difference from a workout at the gym: there you’re really concerned with results and burning, but on the golf course it’s mostly fun. It also gives a thrill when you achieve your personal goals and see that you are getting a little bit better each time.’


To baby carriage or not to baby carriage, “Rather not. Leave the fancy carts behind and cross the track on foot. Preferably with a light bag or golf trolley. 9 holes will take you less than 2 hours, and afterwards you will not only feel satisfied, but also have taken about 10,000 steps.’ So round up your girlfriends for a nice workout, on the golf course. And afterwards have a nice lunch with a well-deserved and refreshing (0.0) wine. No experience is no problem.