We were able to enjoy a few more beautiful days, but the summer temperatures really seem to have come to an end. Autumn is just around the corner, and for many people that means saying goodbye to the summer outdoors, which can unintentionally lead to autumn blues. Fortunately, we have tips for you to avoid this dip and feel good about yourself even during the gray days.


The summer is over

Meteorologically speaking, it is still a good week away, but looking outside, autumn seems to have really started already. Temperatures have plummeted, it is getting dark a lot earlier, and many have already scored a wet suit. After the summer, it always takes some getting used to when autumn makes its appearance, and we at the Happy in Shape editorial team also find it difficult. Gloom lurks, as do annoying complaints such as low energy: we are of course talking about the autumn blues.

Endure autumn

Okay, it may sound a bit dramatic, but for some people, the start of autumn can really feel like survival. That is why it is important to make yourself as comfortable as possible during this time and take good care of yourself. Give yourself plenty of rest, eat healthy and keep moving. That way, you may even be able to start enjoying this season!


How we feel has a lot to do with our lifestyle, even in the fall. Now that the weather has turned, your body needs more rest and you may feel tired more quickly. Listen to your body and allow yourself that extra hour of sleep when it calls for it. Of course, this is the perfect time to treat yourself to new bedding or a nice pair of pajamas, making it even more appealing to snuggle into your bed.

Although your body needs more rest, it is also important to keep moving. You may feel less like biking to the gym, which is perfectly understandable. Sometimes you have to push through, but you can also choose to roll out your mat at home and do some yoga. Exercise and exercise causes your body to produce hormones that boost your mood, which will give you more energy and make you feel happier, especially on sluggish days.

Does the sun show itself? Then a nice walk can do wonders for your mood. This is also the perfect opportunity to supply your body with vitamin D, with sunlight being our greatest source. A lack of this vitamin can lead to gloom and fatigue: the recipe for an autumn dip. Although you can also get vitamin D from food, taking a supplement in the fall can help keep your vitamin D levels up.


A nutritious diet is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. With temperatures dropping, our bodies need more energy to stay warm. Meals such as stew are rich in calories and nutrients that help withstand the cold and maintain your energy levels. Mashed potatoes with meat in particular offer benefits due to the proteins present, which help produce cortisol – a hormone that plays an important role in regulating your energy and alertness. Ideal for autumn, when we could use some extra energy.

In addition, winter food also fulfills an emotional need. These meals are often associated with warmth, coziness and cosiness, making them the ultimate comfort food.


Now that the endless days on the terrace or by the water are behind us, we need to fill that time in a different way. Sure, you can spend these free moments with a cup of tea and Netflix under a blanket, but why not try new hobbies? Get out your paintbrushes, start crocheting, or dive into the kitchen to make delicious autumnal baked goods. You don’t even have to leave your house for it, as the Internet is full of tutorials for whatever hobby you want to explore. Plus, trying new things is good for your brain because it provides new stimuli and strengthens connections between nerve cells – making you both smarter and happier and helping to prevent an autumn blues.

An added bonus is to take up these hobbies with girlfriends. This keeps you socially active even in the fall, which positively affects your mood. A real win-win!